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The SDK initialization method is as follows. Please initialize the SDK in your app as soon as possible according to your own situation.

.setListener(new OnBillingClientSetupFinishedListener(){
public void onBillingSetupFinished(int billingResponseCode) {


  • appId: Generated by AW. For the generation steps, please refer to the document: New Application (External Use)
  • secret: Added in V1.0.5.6 and is generated by AW. For the generation steps, please refer to the document: New Application (External Use)
  • appUserId: userId,Please do not use special characters, such as: '[` ~! @ # $% ^ & () + = | {} ':', \ \ [\ ] < > /? ~! @ # $%... & () - + | {} 【 】 '; : "",.,?]' , using special characters can cause unexpected problems. No userId can be passed an empty string.
  • listener: Initialized listener, which can be empty value. After initialization, the callback result will be successfully returned. onBillingSetupFinished method

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